Labour Council Vaccination Statement

January 15, 2022

Labour council has deliberated on the question of vaccinations. We are releasing the following statement:

The Peterborough & District Labour Council supports efforts to increase the vaccination rate of all Canadians. This will reduce the disproportionate risk faced by healthcare and other front-line workers, as well as all those who are unable to be vaccinated against COVID-19 for medical reasons.

With more contagious variants on the rise and vaccination rates leveling-off, now is the time for decisive action. The Labour Movement is based on the principle that every individual has a responsibility to protect the person next to them. We call it “Solidarity,” but it goes by other names as well — altruism, courage, selflessness. It is an act of Solidarity to roll-up your sleeve and be vaccinated during a pandemic. Is vaccination risk free? No. Does getting vaccinated help protect everyone else? Yes. It is not just government and employers who have a responsibility to ensure the safety of Canada’s workers. As always, those of us holding the tools need to be leading the way.

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