Statement from the Executive of Peterborough & District Labour Council
On the evening of October 30, with no input from affiliates, the Canadian Labour Congress announced a joint endorsement with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce of former Finance Minister Bill Morneau for the role of Secretary General of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
Moved, therefore, that the PDLC Executive Committee endorse the following statement on behalf of the Labour Council.
The Peterborough and District Labour Council opposes the CLC decision to endorse Bill Morneau’s appointment to the position of OECD Secretary General without broad prior consultation with member unions, but in concert with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. The CLC does not exist to tell union members what they should think, but rather to listen to what we have to say. The PDLC, therefore, stands with CUPW, the Hamilton and District Labour Council, and the Durham Region Labour Council*. We expect the CLC to reverse this endorsement and, more importantly, we would appreciate an explanation as to how CLC leadership awoke one morning only to find themselves in the wrong bed.
*Since the writing of this motion, more affiliates, including Steelworkers, CUPE, PSAC, UFCW and NUPGE, as well as Peel Regional Labour Council and the two candidates running for the CLC president’s position have expressed their opposition to the CLC’s endorsement of Bill Morneau.